5 Tips to overcome depression and loneliness while WFH


Working from home can get tedious, boring, and lonely.

Because of those feelings, you end up more stressed than usual and depressed.

I have been in your position and have tried multiple things that have helped me feel better while working from home and figuring out my business.

Here are 5 ways that can help you overcome depression and loneliness while working from home or building a business:

  1. Start setting a routine that works for you

    We are all different and don't function the same way which is why these can be one of the most important things you can do to manage your mental health as an entrepreneur or while you work from home. Establish a daily routine that includes regular work hours, breaks, exercise, and leisure time. Don’t forget also to make some time for self-care activities like meditation or spending time with loved ones.

    Having a predictable schedule can give you a sense of structure and purpose, which can help keep off feelings of depression and loneliness.

  2. Find your peeps

    An important strategy for managing entrepreneurial depression is to build a strong support system.

    Make an effort to connect with other people, both personally and professionally. This can include seeking out mentorship or coaching from other entrepreneurs who have been through similar challenges, as well as connecting with like-minded individuals through networking events or online communities related to your industry or interests. Schedule virtual or in-person coffee dates with friends or colleagues. Finding the right community with like-minded people can help you feel less isolated and more connected.

    If you are looking for a community where we get what you are going through, want to support you, and keep you accountable check out this link to lock your price as a Founding Badass The Mess to Badass Community

    Or if you are a creative entrepreneur and need a place where other entrepreneurs help each other out, do morning pages, and have group coaching check Consciously Creative use code “PAM” and get 20% off your first month of the membership.

  3. Take care of your physical and mental health

    Remember to prioritize self-care, including exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep. Physical well-being is closely linked to mental health, so taking care of your body can help you feel more energized and motivated.

    Luckily nowadays, there are so many resources available to help entrepreneurs manage their mental health. For example, there are a number of apps and online tools that can help you track your mood, manage your stress, and improve your overall well-being. There are also many mental health professionals who specialize in working with entrepreneurs and can provide personalized support and guidance.

    If you are struggling to figure out your next move or want to clear your mind in the morning before getting to work, Learn more about  Morning Pages.

    And if you want to track your mood try Mood Notes - mood tracker FREE

  4. Set boundaries

    It's important to establish clear boundaries between work and personal time. This includes setting clear boundaries around your work hours and priorities so that you can avoid feeling overwhelmed or burnt out. Avoid overworking or constantly checking your emails outside of work hours. Make sure to take breaks and designate specific times for personal activities and hobbies. Create boundaries with clients, customers, etc. Make sure to set specific hours of your availability, you don't want anybody calling you at midnight having a meltdown, and if it's an emergency make sure to tell them to call 911, or if it’s not urgent wait until the next day.

    Creating a healthy work-life balance and clear boundaries can prevent burnout and help you maintain a positive mindset.

  5. Seek professional help

    If you're struggling with depression or loneliness, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Talk to a therapist, counselor, or mental health professional. They can provide valuable support and guidance to help you navigate these challenges. I can tell you that since I started therapy and taking anti-depressants my life has changed so much, for the best!

    Now it’s your turn to take care of yourself.

Working from home or starting a business can take a toll on anybody, which can burn you out. That is why applying these 5 tips might help you feel less alone, avoid burning out, and give you more time to focus on your needs. Make sure to find

Disclaimer: These are products that I love, wear, use, or are on my shopping list. They will help you as much as they have helped me in the journey of becoming a Badass.

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