Benefits of Cold Water Therapy


Embracing the Chill: The Wonders of Cold Water Therapy

Confession time: I'm a sucker for hot showers, especially on chilly mornings. The struggle of emerging from a warm cocoon into a cold world is all too real.

But amidst my love affair with hot water, there's a secret weapon I adore – splashing my face with cold water. It's invigorating, awakening, and a must-try despite the initial resistance.

What's "Cold," Anyway?

Cold is subjective, right? Based on my research, anything under 60 degrees Fahrenheit qualifies. Trust me; it's worth it.

Types of Cold Therapy

  • Showers: Lower the temperature before getting out for 30-60 seconds.

  • Cold Plunging: Dive into freezing water for 3 mins, starting gradually.

  • Ice Application: Target specific areas for inflammation or injuries.

  • Cryotherapy: Full-body treatment available in spas or wellness centers.

The Chilly Rewards

1. Boosts Energy & Metabolism

Cold water sends electrical impulses to the brain, releasing endorphins for increased energy. It also burns calories, revving up your metabolism.

2. Reduces Inflammation & Improves Circulation

Cold therapy stimulates blood flow, reducing inflammation and enhancing circulation.

3. Helps with Anxiety and Depression

Cold exposure decreases cortisol, soothes the vagus nerve, and boosts endorphin levels, aiding anxiety and depression.

What did you learn?

Now that you have learned about cold therapy, You might want to incorporate cold water therapy into your morning routine. It might take a while to get used to it, but I still haven’t. Thinking about it might send shivers down our spine. Yet, as a fellow lover of warm showers, I can attest to the benefits of embracing the chill.

Whether you start with a brisk splash on your face or take the plunge into the latest trend of cold plunging, the rewards are bound to leave you invigorated. Cold therapy isn't just a shock to the system; it's a wake-up call for your body and mind.

From boosting endorphins that accompany the electrical impulses to the metabolic boost and calorie burning during cold exposure, there's a lot to gain. Witnessing the magic of reduced inflammation (especially with my ice roller), improved circulation, and the mental health perks that come with exposure to cold water, it's a journey that will take time but it is worth considering.

So, as you think about the idea of introducing cold water into your routine, remember, that it's NOT about eliminating warmth from your life, it is more like finding balance, discovering the beauty in the chill, and allowing your body to enjoy the unexpected benefits that bring embracing cold water therapy.

Keep it simple!

Start with a splash and little by little get the coldness to be your friend that brings an extra pep and vitality to your step.


Disclaimer: These are products that I love, wear, use, or are on my shopping list. They will help you as much as they have helped me in the journey of becoming a Badass.

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