4 Morning Tips for a Great Day


Rise and Shine: Mastering Your Morning Ritual

Are you the kind of person who battles with the struggle of leaving your cozy haven in the morning, opting instead to snuggle up with your pups or significant other? Trust me; I feel you.

Winter, with its relentless darkness, doesn't make it any easier for those early risers. That's precisely why I've created three effortless tips to set you on the path to a great day.

What Does "Feeling Ready" Mean?

It's that magical state of mind where you feel prepared for anything the day throws at you. Even on unplanned days, you've got an extra pep in your step, fueled by motivation to conquer whatever comes your way.

How to Get that Ready Feeling?

It's all about kickstarting your day with activities that nudge you out of bed. And guess what? some can be done right from the warmth of your bed, perfect for those extra chilly mornings when leaving the blankets seems unthinkable.

If you've been feeling a bit sloth-like, these simple tips will help you gear up for an awesome day.

1. Set Your Alarm 30 Minutes Early

Confession time: I love a good snooze session. But here's the game-changer—set that alarm 30 minutes before your supposed wake-up time. Trust me, it's a snooze-friendly hack that won't leave you scrambling at the last minute.

2. Cold Splash & Self-Care Magic

Once you've won the snooze battle, it's time to face the world. Your half-asleep, cranky self deserves a wake-up call in the form of a refreshing face splash with cold water. Pair it with a bit of morning self-care, and you're ready to conquer. Check out my blog on the Benefits of Cold Water.

3. Oil Pulling Wonder

Ever heard of oil pulling? If not, you're not alone. I stumbled upon this gem a few months back, and now I can't imagine my mornings without it. It's like a morning dance for your teeth and gums—may feel a tad odd initially, but the results are worth it.

4. Make Your Bed and Own the Day

Sure, everyone says it, but trust me, it works like a charm. Making your bed isn't just a chore; it's your first win of the day. It takes a few minutes, and suddenly your room looks organized—even if the rest of your day or room is a bit chaotic.

Become a productivity ninja while becoming a master in the art of doing simple things to have an awesome day.

These simple tasks offer you a chance to multitask effortlessly and have small victories that will set the tone for a great day. Imagine this: while you're oil-pulling, you are also making your bed or cleaning your room, meanwhile you are also taking advantage of indulging yourself in a little spa-like experience with a face mask, lip mask, or hydrating eye patches. All of these while you are rocking a morning motivating podcast or just getting into an awesome audiobook

We all have those "just want to stay in bed" days. But by nailing one or more of these simple tasks, you'll feel accomplished—even if it's just dragging yourself out of bed on time.

Morning simplicity is about finding what works FOR YOU, by keeping you motivated without falling into the pressure of elaborate routines. So, embrace the simplicity, and let's rock those mornings!

🚀 #MorningHacks #OwnYourDay #SimplicityWins

Disclaimer: These are products that I love, wear, use, or are on my shopping list. They will help you as much as they have helped me in the journey of becoming a Badass.

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Benefits of Cold Water Therapy


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