Entrepreneurship can be lonely

If you are an entrepreneur I can guarantee that there have been times when you felt like giving up, not because things are not working out in your business but because you are feeling alone.

Entrepreneurship can be a very lonely journey and we are not talking about it.

Like me, I am sure many of you worked in a corporate job before, making the decision to start a business; the freedom, creating something you are passionate about, and working from home in your pj’s is very enticing, it pushes you to keep going and makes your dream a reality. However, after a while, things can get tough, there are days that you feel unmotivated and because it is your business, you know you can stay in bed a little longer, or stay upset for a whole day because the sale you planned to sell out didn’t work out, or things just got a little monotonous, since you are your own boss there will be days where you don’t have the energy to keep going and that is when you need company the most, but there is nobody around.

You go through the roller coaster of emotions ALONE, plus the physical and mental toll that it takes is exhausting, the worst part of fall is not having a work wife/husband or a messy business bestie that you can count on for accountability, motivation, or just to vent when something goes wrong.

Unfortunately, social media doesn’t show this side of entrepreneurship, the lonely side, the side where we don’t have a person to celebrate wins and talk about our losses with. Some entrepreneurs are lucky enough to have a partner or family that they can count on, but let’s be real the financial struggles and the waiting of seeing the gains of all the effort takes a toll on the people by our side and yourself. At one point you make the decision to just keep it all in because you don’t want to preoccupy anybody and you keep saying that everything is FINE when is not.

I can tell you since I was little I’ve had the entrepreneur bug in me, I would start a business kick ass on it, and spend tons of money because there is always a product involved but then the rush goes away, and get completely unmotivated. This entrepreneur syndrome not only affects me but also my partner, and family, they get eager for me because they see how motivated I am but then imposter syndrome kicks in, or the excitement goes away, and feel completely defeated, I feel like I disappointed the people that believed in me, and I shut down completely.

Because of situations like this, entrepreneurs tend to isolate themselves at least until everything is figured out or see the success they have dreamed of.

Imagine, all the responsibilities entrepreneurs have to deal with no matter the size of the business, an entrepreneur has to deal with a lot. Based on the type of business you have and how you want to run your business socializing becomes irrelevant to you, you also are misunderstood because the people in your life that are happy doing what they are doing will never understand why you are taking the risk of losing it all for a “hobby” or “side hustle”, the worst part is that the people that misunderstand an entrepreneur are usually close family members or friends and when you get to the point where people don’t take you serious entrepreneurship is not only lonely but also heartbreaking.

Lonely entrepreneurs just need a body on the other side of the screen to keep them company while we work. We only want somebody that can keep us accountable, and keep us motivated while we can do the same for them.

If you are making the decision to become an entrepreneur, be aware that it is a lonely ride, and if you are willing to do it all alone at least for a while, then move forward and kickass but if you know you can’t handle the struggles of starting a business, being alone, and pushing yourself to achieve your goals then don’t even try it,

Entrepreneurship can have tons of benefits but also heart-wrenching situations and if you are willing to handle it all, welcome to the Entrepreneur club!

If you are in need of a messy business bestie or accountability buddy check out my services, let’s talk and co-work together soon!


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