Mess to Badass

Mess to Badass is the result of many business attempts, pivots, losses, and never giving up even when it felt like it was time to go back to reality and get a “real job”. The power of community and having the right baddies in my life not only pushed me to keep going but encouraged me to keep testing until I find my purpose in this world.

After meeting many people in my journey, I came to the conclusion that I am here to encourage others to talk about their journey and how their story can help others, and how their failures can be lessons to push the messes that are starting or continuing their journey.

That is why I have created a Podcast where I interview people about their messy journey to becoming a badass.

I have also created a community where entrepreneurs, messes, and badasses are in the journey of figuring out their next steps and can feel completely comfortable by asking questions, co-working, networking, and chatting to figure out next steps. The idea is to be your authentic self and find business besties that will support your crazy ideas or tell you when to stop, make sure you eat to stay healthy and avoid getting you Hangry, keep you hydrated, tell you to shake your body, and have fun while becoming the amazing badass you are meant to be.


I was born and raised in Ecuador and I'm an industrial designer, a multi-passionate, creative entrepreneur that loves dogs, art, fashion, and crafts. I haven't used my degree since I graduated, but I'm still a firm believer in the power of accountability and productivity – two areas in which I feel I have a superpower. I'm also a big fan of problem-solving, particularly when it comes to finding creative solutions and getting my hands dirty to make a difference for others.

Growing up in a traditional Latin family, I often felt like an outsider, as I didn't fit into the mold of what was expected of me. I was outspoken and unapologetic about my beliefs, and this made me realize that despite all the chaos and messiness of life, it was still possible to embrace it. This inspired me to create Embrace the Mess – a platform that is dedicated to helping people accept it is perfectly normal not to have your life perfectly together, and that it's ok to take your time to figure out who you are and what you want in life.

Embrace the Mess is the child I never had (besides my fur babies) and I am always adapting it to make it a better fit for this ever-evolving journey. My goal is to bring together like-minded individuals who are also embracing the mess in life and entrepreneurship, to help each other through the struggles and share experiences.

Embrace the Mess

After getting divorced, I dealt with my struggles by drinking, partying, and surrounding myself with boys. I was in my mid 20’s and while most of my friends had their lives figured out - they had kids, serious relationships, and seemed to have all the answers- I felt like I was starting all over again. As a result, I became known as the “hot mess” and while I could have felt embarrassed or ashamed, I instead felt proud of who I was. I am even more proud of who I have become today. Learning from my mess has empowered me, as I have been able to become the best version of myself- a Pam who is unashamed and unapologetic.

I have always been open about my life and have come to realize that I am not the only one who goes through tough times. This realization was my epiphany that made me start a blog, find my love for writing, and discuss the struggles that come with not wanting to grow up, being a mess, and not having your life figured out. More importantly, I want to make it clear that it is ok not to be ok and that you should be proud of who you are without caring what others have to say about it.

That is why I named my blog Embrace the Mess. It is a safe place where you do not have to be perfect and where you will not be judged; rather, you will be loved, appreciated, and inspired to be a badass.

Ultimately, I want us to have fun and enjoy the messy ride that life throws our way!